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7” yellow flexi disc release,
with Smash Hits Vol 2 no. 20
October 2-15, 1980

Flipside: My Face    

This was Foxx’s final release of 1980 and the last track to be released in the fully electronic style of Metamatic and related material. It is not known why Foxx chose to release a track in this way although Smash Hits had followed Foxx’s solo career throughout the year with interviews, features, and favourable record reviews.

A small feature in the bitz news section of the accompanying magazine 8which ironically had the face of Gary Numan on the cover) stated that Foxx was working on three different projects: a follow-up to Metamatic, an album based on his book “The Quiet Man” (more work in progress) and “some interesting experiments with a bunch of choral singers who go under the name of The Human Host”.

Remixes and re-issues
The song remained exclusive to the flexi-disc for twenty-one years before being released for the first time on CD on the 2001 compilation album Modern Art. It was also included on the 2007 “definitive” re-issue of Metamatic. It was also performed by Foxx and Louis Gordon during the live Metamatic in its entirety with related tracks in 2007, as documented on the album A New Kind Of Man.