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01. A New Kind Of Man
02. Underpass
03. Burning Car
04. This City
05. Twilight's Last Gleaming
06. Ghosts On Water
07. This Jungle
08. Endlessly
09. Someone
10. Sitting At The Edge Of The World
11. In Mysterious Ways
12. Morning Glory
13. Europe After The Rain
14. Systems Of Romance
15. Walk Away
16. When I Was A Man And You Were A Woman
17. Pater Noster
18. The Garden


John Foxx – Assembly

Released: 1992

Assembly was released in June 1992 as a retrospective compilation of Foxx's best work to date.

Assembly contains tracks from his first four albums – Metamatic, The Garden, The Golden Section and In Mysterious Ways. The album was remastered for CD by Foxx himself, and was the first time many of his solo tracks had appeared on CD.

Although it contained Foxx's key single releases, Assembly also contained several specially selected album tracks, which represented more of a 'best of' unlike the later compilation, Modern Art, which was primarily a collection of the single releases.

The sleeve of Assembly features one of Foxx's Cathedral Oceans images, although at this point, none of the music from that project had been made available.

Assembly is now deleted, replaced by Modern Art and later Glimmer - although for the hardcore collector, second hand copies frequently appear on Amazon and

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