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John Foxx and The Maths is the name given to the collaboration project between Foxx and analogue synth guru, Ben Edwards (or "Benge", as he is better known). Destination is the first single from their forthcoming album, due in 2010, and was recorded exclusively on vintage analogue equipment, at Benge's Play Studios in Shoreditch – a part of London where Foxx recorded many albums, including his classic debut, Metamatic.

"Destination" – Foxx's first digital release - is a rather unconventional choice for a single, yet it hits the spot perfectly. The track builds up layer upon layer of analogue sound, finished with an absolutely stunning vocal performance from Foxx. The b-side, a more melodic piece entitled "September Town", is heavily reminiscent of something from the recently reissued The Pleasures of Electricity, and provides a nice contrast to the title track.

Analogue has never sounded more powerful, and Foxx has never sounded better. "Destination" clearly showcases the talents of Benge and Foxx in full creative flight, and it somehow manages to combine elements of the sound of both Systems of Romance and Metamatic, resulting in something new, modern and very exciting.