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Single releases from the psychedelic-influenced The Golden Section, which reached number 27 in the UK charts. Two different versions of "Endlessly" were released as singles in 1982 and 1983, followed by "Your Dress", and "Like A Miracle".

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the golden section

Endlessly picture disc

"Endlessly" UK single release, picture disc, July 1982

A: Endlessly

B: Young Man


"Endlessly" UK single release, June 1983

A: Endlessly

B: Dance With Me

"Your Dress" UK double single release, August 1982

Disc one
A: Your Dress

B: A Woman On A Stairway

Disc two
A: The Lifting Sky

B: Annexe

Like A Miracle

"Like A Miracle" UK single release, October 1983

A: Like A Miracle

B: Wings and a Wind