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John Foxx and Ruben Garcia Nighthawks

Nighthawks tracklisting:
01. Down A Windy Street
02. Now That I've Forgotten You
03. The Invisible Man
04. Fugitive Desire
05. From Then To Now
06. When The City Stops For Snow
07. The Shadow Of Her Former Self
08. Music For Swimmers
09. Lovedust
10. Nighthawks

See here for the tracklisting for Translucence and Drift Music.

John Foxx, Harold Budd, Ruben Garcia, Nighthawks


Released: 2011

Nighthawks is a new instrumental collaboration between John Foxx, Harold Budd and Ruben Garcia, and is packaged alongside a reissue of Foxx's previous work with Budd, Translucence and Drift Music – and it sits absolutely perfectly alongside both.

A dark and cinematic album – almost like a long lost film noir score – Nighthawks is a piano-led ensemble of heavily atmospheric tracks. Amidst the soft, woody notes come gentle breezes and occasional creaks and clatters, breaking up the tranquility with a slight unease.

This package showcases Foxx's finest and most minimal ambient work, linking perfectly with Foxx's ongoing Quiet Man writing, music and imagery.

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