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Translucence + Drift Music

01. Subtext
02. Spoken Roses
03. Momentary Architecture
04. Adult
05. Long Light
06. A Change In The Weather
07. Here And Now
08. Almost Overlooked
09. Implicit
10. Raindust
11. Missing Person
12. You Again

Drift Music
01. Sunlit Silhouette
02. The Other Room
03. Some Way Through All The Cities
04. Stepping Sideways
05. A Delicate Romance
06. Linger
07. Curtains Blowing
08. Weather Patterns
09. Coming Into Focus
10. After All This Time
11. Someone Almost There
12. Resonant Frequency
13. Avenue Of Trees
14. Underwater Flowers
15. Arriving

Translucence + Drift Music
John Foxx and Harold Budd –
Translucence and Drift Music

Released: 2003

John Foxx’s much anticipated collaborations with Harold Budd were released in 2003 as a double album.

Translucence comprises of beautiful, melodic piano pieces. It showers the listener with a gorgeous, almost fragrant atmosphere. It's the sort of music that you can really escape in, watch life pass by in slow motion, and observe nature, with every intimate detail becoming apparent. The tracks have a very warm and organic feel to them, and it becomes a very moving listen.

The second CD, Drift Music, offers a more abstract approach, with slight echoes of Foxx's Cathedral Oceans work. Its long, slow building pieces remind you of watching a sunset; a slow, colourful progressive movement, going from warm to cold. Drift Music is certainly a more intense listen, and perhaps the harder album to access out of the two.

Translucence and Drift Music are two of the most beautiful albums you willever hear – be it an intimate play on headphones or background music to fill the room and blend in with the surroundings.

I often wonder how these two skilled musicians managed to work on such minimal music together – but how ever they worked, the results are a perfect, relaxing soundtrack to follow the transition of day to night, and from darkness to sunrise.

Translucence Drift Music

Early album cover designs (courtesy of

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